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July 2016

SAFETY FIRST: LCMC 1.5 million man-hours without LTAs
SAFETY FIRST: Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company’s mine underground and surface operations reached 1.5 Million man-hours without lost-time accident (LTA) on July 18, 2016 and they are aiming to attain 2 Million man-hours without LTA by August 28, 2016.
Lepanto’s Vice President and Resident Manager, Engr. Thomas S. Consolacion says that strict implementation of their Safety and Loss Control Programs is part of their commitment as a responsible mining company.
The company got their ISO 14001 Certification from TUV Rheinland last March making them compliant to DENR Administrative Order 2015-007 mandating all mining companies to be ISO 14001 Certified.
Photo by: Kurt Linus Z. Ursua
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